Terms and Conditions
Creative Getaways Terms and Conditions
Please read these terms and conditions carefully. All holidays sold by us are subject to these conditions and the other general information sent to you.
Creative Getaways Limited (whose registered office is at Granhams House, 19 Babarham Road, Cambridge CB2 0RB) offers a number of products and the trading names we use are ‘Creative Getaways’ or ‘Walking Getaways’.
In these terms and conditions ‘you’ and ‘your’ means all named persons on the booking or any of them as applicable (including anyone who is added or substituted at a later date).
Your contract with us and all matters arising out of it are governed by English law.
1. Paying for your holiday
1.1 The procedure for making a booking is shown on our website. All bookings are subject to these terms and conditions and by paying a deposit, the person who makes the booking is taken to have accepted these terms and conditions on behalf of all named persons on the booking.
1.2 To make a booking, please return the booking form duly completed together with the non-refundable deposit. A contract will come into effect between us when we send out our invoice. The balance is due 8 weeks before the commencement date of the holiday (the “commencement date”). When a booking is made within 8 weeks of the commencement date, a booking is confirmed on receipt of the total holiday cost.
2. Surcharges
We guarantee that the price of your holiday will not be subject to any surcharges once a booking has been confirmed, except as a result of an increase in taxes or a change in the currency exchange rate. We will absorb the equivalent of 2% of the holiday price. Should the surcharge be in excess of 10% of the holiday price you will be entitled to cancel your holiday and receive a full refund of monies paid. Should you decide to cancel you must exercise this right within 14 days of the date shown on the surcharge invoice. We will not surcharge within 30 days of the commencement date. We reserve the right to correct errors in both advertised and confirmed prices. We will make these corrections as soon as we become aware of the error. Changes and errors do occasionally occur. Please check the price of your chosen holiday at the time of booking.
3. Our responsibility
3.1 We promise to you that all parts of the holiday we have agreed to arrange, perform or provide to you as part of our contract with you are arranged, performed or provided with reasonable skill and care.
3.2 Some of the accommodation, transport and other services we arrange on your behalf belong to and are managed by independent suppliers.
3.3 Creative Getaways endeavours to be a responsible holiday provider and does its utmost to ensure your safety at all times. However, you participate in a Creative Getaways holiday at your own risk and by booking the holiday you agree to a waiver of liability to this effect.
3.5 Travel arrangements are subject to suppliers’ and carriers’ conditions which are incorporated into these conditions.
3.6 Our coaches and mini buses on certain holidays leave the airport at the time specified in our correspondence. Out of respect for our groups, the coaches do not normally wait for late arrivals. It is the responsibility of anyone missing our coach to make his or her own way to the destination hotel. The address and telephone number of destination hotel will be sent to you prior to departure.
4. Your responsibility
4.1 Your holiday receipt contains all details of your agreement with us.
4.2 It is your responsibility to check this information and advise us of any inaccuracy within 7 days of receipt failing which we cannot accept any liability.
4.3 Activity holidays can be hazardous. In the interests of safety you undertake to follow the advice of our representative, guide or hotelier, comply with any local codes of conduct, follow the country code and act sensibly and prudently at all times. You also agree to indemnify us from all loss and/or damage arising from any act of default on your part.
4.4 It is your responsibility to ensure that your papers, passport etc. are in order. Non EC residents should check visa requirements with their consulate, and obtain one if necessary. Although the United Kingdom is part of the European Union, you are still required to carry a full 10 year British passport with you every time you travel to a European destination. (Please note that some overseas countries require your passport to remain valid for a minimum period after entry to that country. If your passport is in its final year of validity, you are advised to check the requirements of the country of destination).
You should obtain a European Health Insurance Card (EHIC). The EHIC can be used to cover any necessary medical treatment due to either an accident or illness within the European Economic Area (EEA). The card entitles the holder to state-provided medical treatment within the country they are visiting. This may not cover all of the services you would expect within the UK.
Apply for an EHIC online at NHS Choices
4.5 It is also your responsibility to advise us in writing, at the time of booking, of any medical or other ailment or allergy. We must also be notified of any special dietary requirement. You are responsible for ensuring that the holiday you select is within your physical capabilities.
5. Conditions of Suppliers
Many of the services which make up your holiday are provided by independent suppliers. Those suppliers provide these services in accordance with their own terms and conditions. Some of these terms and conditions may limit or exclude the supplier’s liability to you, usually in accordance with applicable International Conventions. Such terms and conditions are incorporated into our contract with you so that, to the fullest extent permitted by law, any exclusions and limitations of liability contained in such terms and conditions apply to our contract with you in relation to those services to which they apply. Copies of the relevant parts of these terms and conditions are available on request from ourselves or the supplier concerned.
6. Foreign Office Advice
Should the foreign office advise against visiting one of our regions, we shall immediately take their advice and cancel holidays in line with their recommendations.
7. Changing your booking details
7.1 We realise that occasionally you may wish to make minor changes to your booking which do not involve a change of date, location or transfer to another person. Wherever possible we will endeavour to make these changes, subject to availability, and you will be liable to pay any costs which result.
7.2 Any changes that are made to your booking at your request will incur a change of booking fee of £30 plus any additional costs incurred to Creative Getaways. You must contact us by email as soon as possible with any request to change your booking and confirm your request in writing.
7.3 In the event of either you or a named person on your booking form being unable to join your Creative Getaways holiday, the place may be transferred to another person but only after:
i) a Transfer of Booking form has been completed and returned;
ii) the total holiday price on the original booking form has been paid in full, and;
iii) written permission of the transfer of place has been given by Creative Getaways. Although unusual, Creative Getaways reserves the right to refuse any transfer of place.
7.4 If Creative Getaways has to make changes:
In order to maintain your safety, enjoyment and comfort during your holiday, Creative Getaways reserves the right to make changes to your itinerary due to unforeseen circumstances, e.g. severe weather conditions. If Creative Getaways has to make major changes to your holiday prior to your holiday start date, you will be notified of the changes in advance in writing. If you are not satisfied with the changes, you will be offered an alternative holiday or a full refund of monies paid.
Creative Getaways reserves the right to exclude any persons from part or all of their holiday itinerary if reasonably judged by the tour leader to be: inappropriately insured; physically or mentally unfit to participate safely and responsibly, or; behaving in an inappropriate or offensive manner. In such circumstances, refunds might be made at the discretion of Creative Getaways.
8. Cancellations of booking by you
If for any reason you cancel your holiday after you paid your deposit you must notify us in writing. The cancellation of your holiday comes into effect upon receipt of the written notification from you and the following cancellation charges apply:
More than 56 days before departure Deposit
Between 56 days and 30 days before departure 80% of cost of holiday
Less than 30 days before departure 100 % cost of holiday
These cancellation charges apply to all monies due to us at the time of cancellation.
9. Cancellations and changes by us
9.1 Although we try hard to avoid cancellations and changes to the holidays, due to the forward planning of our holidays this is sometimes unavoidable. We must therefore reserve the right in any circumstances to cancel or make changes to your holiday. This includes cancellations due to force majeure or under booking. See definitions below. These changes can be major or minor. In the case of a major change or cancellation (a major change is defined as a change to accommodation of a lower rating for all of your holiday or a change of holiday dates) we will advise you as soon as possible and we give you the following options:
(i) Accept the new arrangements
(ii) Take an alternative holiday subject to availability (if a lower price we will refund the difference; if a higher price you must pay the difference)
(iii) Withdraw and accept a full refund of all monies paid (excluding additional costs we have incurred on your behalf)
9.2 In the event of a minor change (any change that is not defined as a major change above), the above options will not be available to you. We also reserve the right for any reason or at any time, at our sole discretion, to decline to accept or to retain any person on a holiday as a client particularly if their conduct is disruptive and affecting the enjoyment of other participants on the trip, and we shall be under no liability for any costs incurred by such a person as a result of our doing so.
Force Majeure is the unusual and unforeseeable circumstance beyond our control, the consequences of which neither we or our suppliers could avoid, examples of which are threatened or actual war, riots, civil strife, terrorist activity, industrial disputes, epidemics/pandemics, technical or maintenance problems with transport, natural or nuclear disaster, fire or adverse weather conditions, level of water in rivers, or other similar events beyond our control.
Under Booking is the situation in which the minimum number of clients required to operate the tour is not met. That number is 8 and we may cancel the tour in these circumstances.
10. Travel Insurance
It is a condition of booking a holiday that you are covered by medical and personal accident insurance. This should include repatriation back home. We strongly recommend that you and all members of your party are adequately insured as soon as you book your holiday as this ensures that your deposit is protected.
13. Complaints
If you have a complaint whilst on holiday you must report it at the time to us. Failure to notify the Creative Getaways representative at the time, providing the company with an opportunity to rectify the cause of the complaint, may result in your loss of any legal rights in respect of the particular matter. Should we be unable to resolve the problem locally, written details must be received at our office within 7 days of your return to the UK.
14. Data Protection
We will store and use information that we receive about you or other members of your party for the purposes set out in our Privacy Policy. If you want to see our Privacy Policy, then you can request a copy from us. We regret that we are unable to accept your booking if you do not agree to our use in this way of the information you supply to us.
2015 © Creative Getaways Limited